
Oncology is a branch of medicine that
deals with the prevention


Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

What is cancer?
Each of the cells of the body have a tightly regulated system that controls their growth, maturity, reproduction and eventual death. Cancer begins when cells in a part of the body start to grow out of control. There are many kinds of cancer, but they all start because of out-of-control growth of abnormal cells.

Cancer therapy: Based on the grade and stage of the cancer, oncologists help plan the therapy that is suitable for each of their patients. This could be by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other modalities. Treatment of cancer may involve other specialists as well. This includes a surgeon, a radiation oncologists or a radiotherapist etc. the whole of the cancer therapy however is co-ordinated by the oncologists.

Management of cancer: Cancers are often managed through discussion on multi-disciplinary cancer conferences where medical oncologist, surgical oncologist, radiation oncologist, pathologist, radiologist and organ specific oncologists meet to find the best possible management for an individual patient considering the physical, social, psychological, emotional and financial status of the patients.

We have highly qualified consultants supported by a dedicated chemotherapy unit to help mange any case of cancer.


For further enquiries and appointment please contact with us.